Kunstforum Zürich X Löwenbräukunst Zürich
A Conversation between Hilde Lynn Helphenstein, aka Jerry Gogosian, artist, curator and art blogger, Los Angeles and Kate Brown, Europe Editor Artnet, Berlin

"Green Deal for Art"
Kunstforum Zürich X Löwenbräu
Symposium on art and sustainability with Victoria Siddall, Pedro Wirz, Lucia Pietroiusti, Saskia Draxler, Martina Huber, Gianni Jetzer, Andrew Stramentov, Gesprächsleitung Elke Buhr, MONOPOL Magazin

"Digitalisierung im Kunstbereich"
Maerki Baumann & Co. AG
Livestream Panel Discussion with Mark van Huisseling (moderator), Dr. Carole Schmied-Syz, Sabine Schaschl und Prof. Dr. Dirk Boll

"That Was Then - This Is Now" - neue Handelsmodelle im Kunstmarkt
Conference Swiss Art Market Association (SAMA) 2019
Presentations and Panel Discussion with Stefan Kobel (Art Market Journalist), Larkin Erdmann (Art Dealer), Llucià Homs (Talking Galleries) and Giorgio Pace (NOMAD).

"Do Galleries Really Have to Grow or Go?"
Art Market Conference Modul III
Art Talk with Alain Servais and Vanessa Carlos.

"The Art Market and New Tech. Smokescreens or Real Opportunities?"
Art Market Talk Module II
Presentation and Panel Discussion with mit Stefan Simchowitz, Daniel Dubrovkine (CTO Artsy), Aparna Rao (Pors & Rao), Alexandre Catsicas (Artym) and Antione Verdon (blockfactory.com). Moderated by Nicolas Galley (EMAMS, UZH).

"Art market and Due Diligence: Implementing the Obvious?"
Art Market Conference Module I
Art Talk with Marc Spiegler (Art Basel), Anne Laure Bandle (Art Law Foundation, Geneva), Stefan Puttaert (Sotheby’s Zürich), Victor Gisler (Gallery Mai 36, Zürich) and Claudius Ochsner (Art Dealer’s Association Switzerland).

"Truth and Truisms - Insights from the Engine Room of the Art Market"
A talk by Kenny Schachter and Simon de Pury

"Building a Museum for Next Generations"
International day conference with Wolfgang Ullrich (scientist), Prof. Sarah Kenderdine (EPFL Lausanne), Pedro Gadanho (MAAT Lisboa), Pipilotti Rist (artist).
Panel discussion with Anton Aschwanden (Google Switzerland), Elena DelCarlo (Museum Rietberg, Zurich), Marta Kwiatkowski Schenk (GDI, Rüschlikon), Martin Sturzenegger (Zurich Tourism).
Architecture podium with Adam Caruso (Caruso St John Architects), Anette Gigon (Gigon Guyer), Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen (gta exhibitions, ETH Zurich).

"Die grosse Stadtkonferenz: Kunst in Zürich 2020"
Talk with Hubert Looser (Fundation Hubert Looser) and Walter Soppelsa (Daros Collection).
Panel Discussion with Daniel Baumann (Kunsthalle Zürich), Christoph Becker (Kunsthaus Zürich), Albert Lutz (Museum Rietberg, Zürich), Heike Munder (Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst) and Sabine Schaschl (Museum Haus Konstruktiv).

"Welches Museum wollen wir?"
Panel discussion with Corine Mauch (Mayor of Zürich), Chris Decron (ex. Tate Modern, London), Lukas Gloor (Director Stiftung Sammlung Bührle), Sam Keller (Director Fondation Beyeler, Basel) und Peter Haerle (Cultural Director City of Zürich).